Rehabilitation of Sultanpur Village for JSW Bellary
Sultanpur is a small village located close to the Bellary Steel Plant of JSW Group. Considering pollution and related challenges, M/s JSW with the support of the District Governance plan to rehabilitate the village to a better environment closeby.
The present village has around 350 houses and a population of 1400 persons. The new village is proposed to accommodate around 450 houses and 2200-2400 persons.
Inspiration sees the project as an opportunity to design a contemporary Indian Village which can combine the best of community life and care the village offers along with the best of modern day comforts including piped water supply, proper sanitation, liquid and solid waste management etc.
The proposed village is designed as clusters of 24 houses - the front yards of which open into large community gardens that are fully pedestrian areas; there shall be common parking lots at the entrance to each cluster. The rear yards of all houses open out to the rear alley - which shall be the space to herd poultry and live stock, run all utility lines, grow fodder etc.
The entire boundary of the village shall have a Miyawaki Forest about 4-5m wide which can provide food and fire wood besides much needed shade and greenery.
The houses are of three types based on their present economic status. However all types of houses shall have the space to take an extension either in the ground floor or at terrace level.
Community amenities including Primary School and Creche, Primary Health Centre, Shopping facilities/ market, Community Hall, Bank, Places of Worship, Sports and recreation spaces and even a Crematorium shall be provided within walking distance for all.
The building materials proposed include flyash ( a waste product from the Steel Plant) cement blocks in combination with hollow terracotta blocks; roofing sheets shall be company sourced. The scrap steel shall also be used for landscape elements / street furniture etc.
To facilitate a smooth changeover for the villagers to their new environment and bring in new livelihood opportunities such as farming, value added food products, upcycled products from wastes, art and craft workshops etc, it is proposed to involve a group of Sociology/ Social Work Graduates from the initial stages of shifting of the village.
JSW Group with their pioneering initiatives in many a sector could lead the way for sensitive rehabilitation - which is a huge challenge in our country today.
Scope: Total Design Consultancy
Location: Bellary, Karnataka
Size: 3,75,000 sq.ft.
Client: JSW Group